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    • In a virtual mulaqat with beloved Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) in December 2019, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) asked about the Lajna contribution and said, “You should fix your own targets.” So, as per beloved Huzoor(aa) instructions and respected National Sadr Sahiba’s guidance, Lajna Imaillah Australia has been given their targets.

    • Goal of Waqf e jadid is 100% participation, therefore all Lajna, Nasirat and children under 7 (Nannha Mujahid/Mujahida) and on behalf of marhumeen should be encouraged to make pledges and contribute to this blessed scheme.

    • Create awareness in members regarding this scheme, and its purpose

    • Awareness of the Tehrik should be conveyed in all Majalis through sermons of beloved Hazur (aba), Jamat articles and multimedia