“Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and He knows those who are rightly guided.”
Holy Quran, 16:126
- This department should give details of efforts made to meet the targets set by the Centre for Bai’ats. These details should be submitted in the monthly and annual reports.
- The numbers of Lajna actively doing Tabligh, number under Tabligh and the number of books, pamphlets and leaflets distributed should be stated in the report.
- The number attending Tabligh programmes, Symposiums, Book Displays, Seeratun–Nabi (SAW) Days, Interfaith programmes should be given in the report.
- Efforts should be made to compile programmes for radio, television, social media as well as writing for newspapers and magazines.
There is a target of 2 ba’ait per majlis and all majlis members must work hard to achieve this goal through:–
Sincere prayers.
Writing to Huzoor–e–Anwar(aba) for success in Tabligh/Ba’aits.
Special efforts to make effective contacts.
Daaiyat Classes:
Online Daaiyat classes will be held weekly on a National level. Each Majlis is requested to ensure they regularly update the active Daaiyats contact details and encourage them to take advantage of the learning opportunities provided. The main aim is to provide quality education for lajna members which is vital in all tabligh related efforts. The content for this class will be delivered through 4 modules of 6 classes each, as follows:–
- MODULE 1: How we can do Tabligh.
- MODULE 2: Existence of God and divine religions
- MODULE 3: Islamic sects and other spiritual beliefs
- MODULE 4: Contemporary Issues
All participants who complete a module with be awarded a certificate to acknowledge their acheivement.
Tabligh events
Due to the unique situation presented by COVID–19, large gatherings may not be possible again this year therefore all majalis should focus their effort according to the situation in their region.
- National ONLINE Webinar:
All regions can work together to support an online interfaith webinar at a National level. To promote dialogue and understanding between various community leaders urging them to inculcate a true sense of justice and peace. - Interfaith events:
Majalis are requested to organize Interfaith events. It can be in the form of Open forum, dialogue and
discussions to represent the true teachings of Islam to the world. - Jalsa Seerat un Nabi(saw):
It is requested to invite Non Ahmadi and non–Muslim guests in these Jalsas at least once a year. Kindly cooperate with your Tarbiyyat department in this regards as it’s a common task for both. - Exhibitions:
Efforts should be made to contact Local libraries for exhibitions or displays on different topics. It is requested to make these exhibitions interactive through creative ideas. Contact your local library or other similar venues and then organize this event according the specific guidelines provided by them. - School, College, University Lecture:
Efforts should be made to contact Local schools, colleges or universities to organize lectures, talks, presentations on suitable ongoing topics.
Literature distribution:
- Members should be encouraged to distribute Leaflets and books among their friends and colleagues.
- Only those Lajna members can participate in door to door leaflet dropping if an adult male family member (Mehram) can accompany them.
Tabligh By Pen:
Members who have the capacity should be encouraged to write about current issues and Islam. These can be in the form of articles, tweets, posts, and letters. Local members of Parliament should also be made aware of any matters of concern in the community.
TV/Radio/Print Media:
- Promote and encourage viewership of MTA programs such as Beacon of Truth, Press Point, In His Own Words, Faith Matters outside the community as well as in Lajna members.
- Make efforts for opportunities to discuss religion via community TV and radio programs.
- Write articles to and letters to Editor in Newspapers.
Social Media:
- Members should learn how to use social media and promote jamma’at content online, such as YouTube Videos, tweets and current affair topics.
- All social media platforms have the ability to spread messages of upcoming events and represent true islam. Therefore all Lajna members have the ability to take part in this format.
Month | Activity |
October | Create awareness amongst majlis members regarding importance of tabligh. |
November | Encourage members to learn how to utilize social media to spread the true message of Islam. |
December | Organise distribution of seasons greeting
cards and share season’s message of peace on all media platforms. |
January | Distribute pamphlets/literature |
February | Make new contacts and hold an exhibition
through your local library or similar venue. |
March | Maintain contacts actively. |
April | Create Ramadhan awareness amongst personal contacts. |
May | Celebrate Eidul Fitr and share the
joy with others in community. |
June | Hold interfaith events in local community. |
July | Celebrate Eidul Adha and share the joy with others in community. |
August | Organise a new opportunity to broadcast Islam’s message through print media/TV/radio. |
September | Present a review amongst all majlis members regarding the whole year’s efforts and share areas of success and areas that need further improvement. |
All majalis must follow the above plan as specified by the National Tabligh Department and should further include asmany other activities as they can manage.
During his last visit to Australia Huzoor–e–Anwar (aba) has instructed us that
Every year The Message of Islam should reach to 10% of the Australian
Hence, we should follow his instructions with utmost importance and sheer dedication.
- Including personal contacts leaflets should also be given to organisations in the community such as, Library, Schools, Gp Services, Dentist etc.
- Prior to sending any leaflets to these organisations, permission must be taken from their respective managers to ensure if these organisations are allowed to receive Religious Literature. Take some of the leaflets with you as an example to show them if need be while seeking permission.
- Introductory Leaflets should be given to these organisations to give them a general understanding of our community, and then if they want to know more, provide them with other comprehensive material.
- Provide a number of copies for each leaflet that is given to these organisations so, that it can be distributed amongst the staff members.
- Include a letter that gives a small introduction about our community and also highlight some of the humanitarian efforts and messages of peace given be Huzoor–e–Anwar (aba). The letter should be addressed to the manager of the organisation.
- Door to Door leafletting is allowed for lajna only with a MEHRAM Male member of the family.
- Book Stalls can be arranged and attended by Lajna only with MEHRAM male member of the family. Please provide detailed explanation of any leafletting or stalls that have been arranged by lajna. Please maintain the highest quality of Purdah while taking part in any book stalls or Door to Door leafletting. Before anything it is a command of Allah The Almighty for women to cover themselves, and as true believers we should follow this command with our eyes closed without giving it a second thought. Also remember that you are representing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, so your etiquettes should be as such that they don’t contradict our teachings.
- Tabligh Guide
- Welcome to Ahmadiyyat – The True Islam
- Muwazna e Mazahib.
- Maryam Magazine
- Al–Hakam
- Review of Religions
- Friday Sermons:
- Delivered on 9th April 2010
- Delivered on 9th March 2012
- Delivered on 11 December 2015
- Delivered on 29th July 2016
- Delivered on 8th September 2017
These resources are available online https://www.alislam.org/
- Website links:
- Urdu Language:
- https://www.askahmadiyyat.org/
- https://www.alislam.org/urdu/library/179.html
- https://www.alislam.org/urdu/library/24.html
- https://www.alislam.org/urdu/qa/
- English Language:
- https://www.alislam.org/library/religions/
- http://rationalreligion.co.uk/
- http://www.muhammadfactcheck.org/
- https://www.alislam.org/library/questions/
- http://www.askislam.org/
- https://ahmadianswers.com/
- https://whyahmadi.org/
- Urdu Language:
- Save Report file as “Majlis Name MONTH Year” (eg:– Majlis Brisbane NOVEMBER 2020)
- Fill each section carefully. Majlis name, month and tajneed.
- Monthly Reports are to be submitted by 10th of each month.
- Therefore please ensure that you collect the relevant data from all your Majlis members at the end of each month.
- As we are a Lajna Auxiliary we only need to know which tabligh classes were organisd by your Majlis and their attendance. DO NOT include National Daiyat class or Jamaat clasess. A Majlis Tabligh class can only be classified if you spent ATLEAST 20 minutes on any task related to the tabligh department. You may include this as part of your Majlis meeting or organise separately depending on your Majlis preferences.
- The TABLIGH EVENTS section refers to all interactions where the Lajna members were able to share the message of Islam with others. Including individual or group gatherings.
- SOCIAL MEDIA activity refers to the number of Lajna members who conducted any activity through any social media accounts. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.
- Tabligh terminology clarification :–
ACTIVE DAAIYAT: Lajna members who actively communicated this month with other citizens in the
community to talk about Islam.